The City & Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd. v. The Federal Bank Ltd. & Ors.



Case No: Appeal No. 78/2005

Date of Judgement: 26/09/2023


Mr Justice Ashok Menon, Chairperson

For Appellant: Mr R.S. Apte, Senior Counsel, i/b Mr Prag Kale along with Vaishali V., Advocate.

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Arguments by the Parties:

Cases Cited:

Sections and Laws Referred:

Code of Civil Procedure (CPC)

    • Order VIII Rule 5 (Decree against Defendant not filing Written Statement)
    • Order IX Rule 13 (Setting aside Ex-parte Decree)
    • Order XVII Rule 2 (Dismissal of Suit for Non-Appearance of Parties)

    • Section 19(5) (Time Limit for Filing Written Statement and Extensions)