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Dream Law, a sister company of India’s well-known law meme and marketing platform Deadly Law, launched in 2019 to revolutionize legal education. Our goal is to make quality instruction in law available to all, regardless of location, through an innovative online platform. Our first course on the Indian Business Code (IBC) received positive feedback from massive students. This encouraged us to expand Dream Law’s vision of transforming traditional teaching methods to reach wider audiences through technology and creative new approaches tailored to different learning styles. We aim to build on this early success by leveraging our experience in the legal space to provide accessible, engaging online legal instruction.


Dream Law is pleased to extend an invitation for participation in the ‘Call for Blogs’, 2024. The Competition is scheduled from 26th January to 10th February 2024. 

This competition serves as a platform for legal enthusiasts to articulate their perspectives and insights on contemporary issues. This competition beckons participants to delve into the intricacies of legal frameworks, offering a unique opportunity to showcase analytical prowess and depth of understanding. As contributors engage in thoughtful exploration of legal themes, they contribute to the vibrant tapestry of legal scholarship, fostering a community that values intellectual discourse and the exchange of diverse viewpoints. Embracing the spirit of legal inquiry, the competition beckons writers to navigate the complex landscape of jurisprudence, shaping a collective narrative that reflects the evolving nature of law in society.


Writing a legal blog requires a unique blend of legal expertise, clear communication, and engaging content to inform and engage your audience. Here’s a detailed guide on how to write an influential legal blog:

  1. Choose Your Niche and Topic: Select a specific legal niche or area of interest. It’s better to be specialized than to cover too broad a spectrum. Identify trending legal topics or common questions within your chosen niche. Follow the news and updates of areas of your interest and choose a unique topic or a topic you feel has yet to be discussed much, or has been discussed but the general discussion leaves behind crucial points that you think you can highlight in your blog.
  2. Research and Gather Information: Thoroughly research your chosen legal topic using reputable sources such as legal journals, case law, statutes, and academic publications. Ensure your information is up-to-date, as laws and regulations frequently change.
  3. Understand Your Audience: Identify your target audience. Are you writing for fellow attorneys, clients, or the general public? Tailor your content to the level of legal knowledge your audience possesses. If being written for the general public, avoid including complicated legal jargon, or if using them, try to explain them in lucid language.
  4. Plan Your Blog Structure: Create a clear outline with headings and subheadings to organize your content. A typical legal blog structure includes an introduction, main content, and a conclusion. Your content can further be broken down into different sections.
  5. Write Clear and Concise Content: Use plain language as much as possible. Explain complex concepts in simple terms. Break down complex topics into digestible sections with subheadings. Use short paragraphs and bullet points to enhance readability. You can put Headings in bold, and names in Italics.
  6. Cite Sources and Provide References: Include proper citations for laws, cases, and legal authorities you reference. Use hyperlinks to direct readers to source materials when available online. Remember, your blog is a mini one-stop source of information for your reader.
  7. Engage Your Readers: Start with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and outlines the blog’s purpose. Use real-life examples or case studies to illustrate legal points. Encourage reader engagement through comments, questions, or discussion forums.
  8. Be Objective and Balanced: Present both sides of an argument or issue, when applicable, to maintain objectivity. Avoid taking a biased or one-sided stance unless you clearly label your content as an opinion piece. Avoid sledding, making controversial statements against particular individuals or organisations, and using strong language.
  9. Proofread and Edit: Thoroughly proofread your content to eliminate grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies. Ensure proper formatting and adherence to a consistent writing style.


  • Email your submission to
  • Name your file as (your name, topic)
  • The subject of the email should be “Call for Blog Submission”


  • Font – Times New Roman
  • Size – 12
  • Alignment – Justified 
  • Citation style – ILI or OSCOLA


1) Last Date of Registration: 5th February, 2024

2) Last Date for Blog Submission: 15th February 2024


1) The last date of registration is 5th February 2024 by 11:59:59 PM.

2) Registration link- 

3) Registration Fee – Rs. 100


  • Winner  – Rs 3,000
  • Runners Up – Rs 2,000
  • Second Runners Up – Rs 1,000
  • Certificate of Participation will be provided to all the Participants


Event Detail

  • Start Date27 January 2024
  • End Date15 February 2024

🎉Submit your best articles and stand a chance to win cash prizes 🎉- 

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