Caste Based Reservation and Equality in Modern INDIA – Dream Law

Reservation is a system in India that provides education, concession in freights, 49.5 seats in educational institutions, jobs, and relaxation in qualifying examinations, relaxation in age to certain castes. This system continues after nearly 70 years of independence. The motive of reservation was representation in education, employment and politics.

There is no provision in the Indian Constitution stating that caste–grounded reservation is obligatory. Indian Constitution ban the practice of discrimination on the basis of age, sex, caste, religion, or place of birth under article 15. The reservation system in Indian law is a form of affirmative action wherein a chance of seats or proportions are reserved in public sector units (PSUs), union, and state civil services, services in the union and state government departments and all public and private educational institutions, except in the religious or verbal nonage educational institutions. The Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) or the socially backward communities who were previously inadequately represented in these services and institutions are now handed with the reservation installation.

The reservation issue has remained a cause of disagreement between the reserved and then non – reserved sections of the society. There are a lot of advantages of having caste – grounded reservation similar as equal representation which increase in the number of people from backward sections in colorful decision making procedures, performing in equal representation and different sections of the society. Equal opportunities to the meritorious campaigners which has helped some people from backward sections achieve advanced posts or services in the public sector and same private institutions as well. The perpetration of justice and mortal rights has encouraged the people to fight for justice whenever there is a violation of their mortal rights. Caste grounded reservation is necessary for India because of literal negligence, injustice, and mistreatment caused to the backward communities.

Along with the good advantages of the Reservation System in India, it has many disadvantages, it propagating the notion of Caste – grounded society rather of barring it. Chances of creating further gentries in the society for acquiring benefits from the government poor people from the forward gentries still don’t have any social or profitable advantage over the rich people from the backward castes. However, it may affect in the conformation of a separate backward estate of people belonging from the poorer section of the forward gentries. If this situation persists, Heirs of reservation are primarily from the delicate sub caste or the dominant class in backward gentries. A reservation only provides a limited and short term result to the literal injustice issues. As the reservation grows more prominent, it becomes a medium or rejection rather than addition. As we can see currently, the preliminary advantaged communities have getting underprivileged to large extent due to the reservation problem. Numerous are still affected by poverty and ignorance.

The distinction between the higher and lower classes has been created through the reservation. Caste was not intended to be perpetuated via reservations; rather, it was intended to be eradicated. A quota system based on wealth or economic position should be put in place in place of the caste-based reservations. This will help the marginalized poor sections to improve their situation. Multitudinous times, reservations are the exact negative of development and equality. Presently we don’t bear reservations predicated on castes or religion but only to give support to those with merit but lower resources. This way, we would successfully counter Caste discrimination and unite the economically rich to support the economically poor, anyhow of their castes.

Reservation is beneficial if it promotes positive discrimination to the society’s oppressed and economically disadvantaged groups.