Recall of previous DRT judgment allowing bank’s claim against appellant due to erroneous finding of equitable mortgage, though bank’s monetary claim was dismissed: DRAT KOLKATA
Smt. Anita Agarwal …Appellant Punjab National Bank …Respondent Case No: Appeal Dy No. 365 of 2022 Date of Judgement: 08.06.2023…
Dismissal of appeal against order dismissing SARFAESI application filed by educational institution challenging bank’s notice and auction sale of mortgaged property: DRAT KOLKATA
M/s. Harshini Educational Society …Appellant Indian Bank …Respondent Case No: Appeal No. 229 of 2013 Date of Judgement: 28th April,…
Applicability of Section 31(i) of SARFAESI Act, 2002 regarding agricultural land: DRAT KOLKATA
State Bank of India …Appellant M/s. A.K. Property Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. …Respondent Case No: Appeal No.63 of 2022 Date…
Setting aside of possession notice under SARFAESI Act for non-mortgaged property: DRAT KOLKATA
Union Bank of India …Appellant M/s. Sonovision Enterprises, …Respondent Case No: Appl. No. 78 of 2019 Date of Judgement: 24.04.2023…
Recall of DRT order dismissing bank’s application for non-compliance of directions: DRAT KOLKATA
Indian Bank …Appellant M/s. S.P. Enterprise …Respondent Case No: Appeal No. 29 of 2023 Date of Judgement: 25th April, 2023…
The Authorised Officer, Canara Bank Madhunagar Branch, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh …Appellant Gottipati Suneetha …Respondent Case No: Appl Dy. No. 225…
Change of counsel and procedure before DRT: DRAT KOLKATA
M/s Mennonite Brethren Property Association of India Private Limited …Appellant Punjab National Bank …Respondent Case No: Appeal No. 121 of…
Challenge to auction sale under SARFAESI Act: DRAT KOLKATA
M/s Sri Sai Bhargavi Cotton Trading Company …Appellant State Bank of India …Respondent Case No: Appeal No. 38 of 2020…
Validity of auction sale under SARFAESI Act: DRAT KOLKATA
Jaganath Mahaprabhu LLP …Appellant M/s. Jain Steel & Power Ltd. …Respondent Case No: Appl No. 44 of 2021 Date of…
Interim order restraining bank from registering sale certificate without assigning reasons: DRAT KOLKATA
Central Bank of India …Appellant Mr. K. Prasanna Kumar Reddy …Respondent Case No: Appeal No. 35 of 2021 Date of…